Loosid Sober Tip of the Day May 1

In sobriety, our life becomes infinitely more expansive since we are not spending our time sitting on a bar stool, chasing that next high, or recovering from the night before.

If we used to go to happy hour 2 hours a day after work, that’s 10 hours a week, and over 500 hours a year that we now have to expand our lives.

What can we do with the gift of an extra 500 hours?

Additionally, many of us find we wake up an hour or two earlier during the week and several hours earlier during the weekend as we are not recovering from the night before.

If you do the math, that’s another 500-700 hours that we never had in our active addiction.

What can you do with an extra 1000-1400 hours?

If you have done nothing other than spent more time being present for the people you love, you have gifted them the same amount of hours they never had before, and so the time multiplies. If you have a partner and two children, you have gifted 4,000-5600 hours of time as each person has been gifted 1000-1400 hours more time.

If you have been sober for a while, share with the community what you have been able to do in that time.

If you are just coming into recovery, congratulations as you now have been gifted this new time. How would you like to spend it? What would you like to do?

Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:

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I’m new to this however usually do this journey alone. I’m trying something new in hopes to find connection with others who struggle and in the process get some healing. Thank you for allowing me to be involved in your lives.


I too am going to try a new approach. I am going to spend more time in reading and listening to stay sober and just assuming willpower will do the job. It has not worked in the past.


I’m right there with you. Thanks for sharing that, so I know I’m not alone.


I think for myself I am spending my extra time in the morning. I wake up an hour and a half before I leave for work. This gives me time to make coffee, my morning prayer (steps 3&7), and thinking about the 24 hours ahead. My days seem to go much smoother when I do this and it allow me to become closer to my Creator! The rest of my extra time is doing things I enjoy and giving back to others. Hope you all have a wonderful day today! :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m on 118 days clean right now!! In the last few months I have made (and sold) art, I took a bunch of beautiful pictures of Lake Michigan and created a calendar that I was able to sell and share with friends and family and I recently started a new job in a line of work that I’ve always loved doing!!! All that on top of being more present and available for my family. Thanks for reading!!!! Have a great day!!!


Go to as many meetings as possible


You need good examples
You will find some in the rooms of aa

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Same here!


I am going to IOP. THERE are others that need treatment in a facility bcuz there may not be another sobriety date. Addiction is a disease and when we become honest with ourselves the steps will become our way of life. Thank you Lord for giving me another chance to a way of life that I need today to remain sober


Well good luck to you on your journey!

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Yes told myself get up early to watch some Joyce Meyer, reading and coffee seems to also help my mornings. Now to find a mid day routine to stay focus!

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I've been teaching myself Spanish and working to earn my ESL certification. After I complete my ESL certification I'll be working on improving my Excel skills. It's nice to give back and improve my professional skills.

My mom loves Joyce Meyer.

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I spend all my extra time in my bible or the self help bible study books I have. I’m in my 4th month clean almost have 5. All by Gods grace. If you’re new keep your head up. Recovery is beautiful. We are in this together thank you for being here.

Read,laugh,hike,dance,love...... the list is endless.