Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 7

The built-in forgetter.

Over the weekend, we mentioned the concept of the built-in forgetter.

When we look at our past, when tempted to take a drink or use substances, we think of the relief it will bring. Sadly, too many of us forget the negative things that have happened when we have used in the past.

We have a built-in forgetter.

Our built-in forgetter gives us no protection from the next drink or drug. If we are not working a spiritual program of recovery and have not built a sober network to reach out to, more often than not, we use again.

This is why over the last week we worked on making sure you build a sober support system around you.

If you haven’t read those tips, go back to the tips from June 4th and 5th.

One great way to eliminate the built-in forgetter is to do the following:

Take a sheet of paper or write on your phone all the bad things that have happened when you have used alcohol or drugs.

If you are fearless and thorough your list may be quite long.

On the bottom of your list, write down the names and numbers of your support network.

Any time you think about picking up that drink or that drug, pull out that list and read it.

Then call your support network. It will most likely save your life.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Great information. I will share with my support group.


Writing experiences are a great way to help us learn to deal with it. Often therapists will have patients "journal" their traumatic experiences. Looking at them in a positive atmosphere help us re-associate the negative and previously incomprehensible. I would venture it would work just as well with addiction. Write it down and review it, until the effect is reflexively remembered with the cause.

I literally was just thinking about this yesterday when I wanted to drink. Thank God my manager is sober 10 years and pointed out some of these ideas. It's crazy how your mind plays tricks on you. Made it another day tho!

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This is really good. One of the best suggestions. To make it work you must be honest and can't be lazy.

I shared this on my Facebook page!!