Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 22

Do you want to be right, or do you want to be free?

In recovery, we often hear the words irritable, restless and discontent. One of the biggest blockages that keeps us in this state is holding onto past resentments or ‘justified anger.’

The problem is, until you can release the resentment, you will never be free. Justified or not. Resentment is very much like you drinking the poison and waiting for the other party to suffer.

Letting go of your resentment is the key to your freedom. Will you have to do some work to get there? Absolutely. There are is a spiritual path waiting for you to help to get you to the other side. There is no value in being right at the expense of your freedom.

Choose to be free today. Why? Because you deserve it.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Great.. let go of the past and you will be Free.. let go of the hate and bitterness too.. it worked for me..:+1::+1:


Working on this


Just what I needed to hear today.


So true. Lots of resentments over the years. Better days ahead. 16 days no alcohol


I choose to be free.


I'm not a victim.


Congrats Lisa!


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I choose to he free, but still get angry... I won't Let Go❤️

Awesome. Congrats.

I agree with this statement.

I have to let go of the illusion of Beining in control of anything or anyone but myself. I am irritable however I'm not in bondage of self. Fixing to walk it out.

I found out a lot of times my resentment was causing problems or depression for me a lot of times the other party isn’t aware you feel that way

I have to work on letting go every day.

I’m trying to let go of resentments I have toward myself and the good for nothing man in my life that refuses to move out of my house. And before anyone tries to tell me to move, I shouldn’t have to. I pat for literally everything. He’s never paid so much as a dime. Yet, the “law” says he’s a resident.