Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 21

Sobriety is never owned, it is rented… and the rent is due every day.

If you have been around recovery for a while, you may have heard this before. If you haven’t, it is something that you need to hear.

As discussed in previous tips, it is critical to understand that we can never stay sober today on yesterday’s sobriety.

Staying sober requires working a spiritual program every day, one day at a time.

The most important word in this sentence is ‘working.’

Working a spiritual program involves requires consistency, something we need to do for nearly anything else in life that we want to get… and keep.

The difference, however, is that for an alcoholic or addict, we need to GET sober and KEEP sober every day as our lives literally depend upon it.

Let’s look at a few things from our daily lives:

We need to eat nourishing food every day in order to GET and KEEP healthy.

The same also applies when we exercise consistently. We GET fit, we KEEP fit and if we stay consistent, we get even fitter. The more we exercise, the better we feel and the more improvements we see.

If we are lifting weights our muscles get stronger and grow.

If we play a sport, like tennis as an example, the more tennis we play, the better we get.

It is also important to note that, to continue to improve and get to the next level, we need to constantly surround ourselves with people who are actually ‘better’ than us.

Recovery is no different. It is always best to surround ourselves with people who have a recovery program that we admire and aspire to achieve.

We look for the daily things they do each and every day to remain emotionally sober.

To be clear, this does not in any way mean that we are to stay away from those who are new to sobriety or people who don’t yet have what we want.

In fact, the opposite is true. The people we surround ourselves with who are teaching us a strong spiritual program of recovery will encourage us to help the newcomer and others who need help as it is imperative that we give away what was so freely given to us.

Are you ready to pay your sober rent today? If so, what do you plan to do?

If you have been sober for a while, what are some tools you do each day to maintain your sobriety?

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Beautiful :muscle:

What a great statement I read it twice. :+1::+1:

I'm going to start out by asking God as I understand Him for another day of sobriety. Then I am going to go to an AA meeting and be part of a spiritual recovery program. Then I will spend the rest of my day trying my best to do the next right thing. One thing I will not do today is pick up a drink. We'll see what happens tomorrow when it gets here.


I am working on leaning on my God more. Pray often. Meaningfully

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Thank you for the daily sobriety tip

I really enjoy this app! And reading the daily tips help think of new ways to manage my day to day.

I pray

I'm definitely at my best when eating a proper diet and exercising.

Starting out your day with a little talk with my God and asking Him to guide me thru the day is what I do and it’s always good to recognize how He wakes us up and our thoughts being on Him.. He is my rock and I know I’m nothing without Him.. thank you for this app it’s on my list to do to read each morning along with my Bible.. have a blessed day


Exercise and seeking God gives me peace .
I seem to be more likely to drink on Thursday Friday or Saturday.
I have been to control my drinking on the other days.
Very weird pattern.
It’s like a drink switch that is flipped off and on depending on the day of the week now.
I will be working harder to beat the temptation .

I like this :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

I am thankful for Jesus. He keeps me on the right path. Because of Him, I can face today. He's my strength.


I am thankful for my willpower today​:heavy_heart_exclamation::pray::heart:

Being acquainted with people on Loosid has definitely help. Working on my relationship with God daily is most important.

God . . . energizes you, giving you both the desire and the power to act.​—Phil. 2:13.

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