Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 20

Day 1

Every year, millions of people come into recovery on Day 1.

This may mean we are entering recovery for the first time.

For others, it may be because we are coming off of a relapse.

There is a false stigma that coming in with 1 day is something to be ashamed of. Sadly, millions of people die because of this complete untruth.

The baffling question is, if 100% of us started with 1 day, why are we ashamed? The truth is, not only is sobriety not to be ashamed of, but shows tremendous courage.

Sobriety does not mean all of us get sober the first time and stay sober as, unfortunately, many of us take our will back and relapse over and over again until we finally surrender to the winning team.

We say unfortunately, not because relapse happens, but because many of us never make it back.

If you are on day 1, take solace in the fact that we have all been there. There is not one of us who hasn’t.

Relapse doesn’t have to be a part of our recovery journey, but if it is, our message to you is WELCOME, WE LOVE YOU, and are so glad you are here. STAY.

If you are coming into recovery for the first time, our message is, WELCOME, WE LOVE YOU, and are so glad you are here. STAY.

Whatever amount of time you have, you know what day 1 feels like. If you have some sober time, share with others below what it was like for you and any suggestions you have to help.

If you are new, share what you are feeling. In fact, share like your life depends upon it… because it does.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:




The thought of my last drunk and the time it took me to recover was painful. I don’t want to go through that again. It is harder to recover every time I relapsed. I just don’t want to relive that experience anymore.

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Get pissed off at all that alcohol has taken from you while masquerading as a friend. It has betrayed you. Find a new habit like exercise that feels so much better. Start with a walk and think about the possibilities, of what you might achieve without carrying the weight of a bad habit.

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Give it over to God!

Use those experiences to strengthen your resolve and give over to God.
All the best.

Thank you God I don't have to live like that anymore

I’ve had day 1s too many times. Every time it gets harder to come back. Every time it gets harder to recover.

Each of us are loved. We need each other.

Back to day 1 for the million time... Hopefully this time will stick.

It has only been 2 weeks for me but I think back to the first day and the despair I was feeling and I don’t want to go back. God is going to help me this time and so is AA