Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 18

Creating and maintaining an attitude of gratitude.

One of the most powerful tools we learn in a spiritual program of recovery is gratitude.

It is also something that, at first, is very hard to see, as many of us tend to gravitate to the negative and get stuck in self-pity.

Creating a context switch to think what we are grateful for takes us out of self-pity and shifts our thinking into the amazing opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead.

If you have connected with a sober network, you will often find that many of them send out gratitude lists each and every day.

It is a way of giving hope to ourselves as well as to others.

If you are not part of a gratitude group, connect with members below and write down what you are grateful for.

At Loosid, here is what we are grateful for today:

We are grateful to have a platform of likeminded others who share a common bond and help one another on a daily basis.

We are grateful that you read the daily sober tips to better yourself each and every day.

If you are new or just exploring the benefits of sobriety, we are grateful for your courage to ask questions and explore new possibilities.

If you have been sober for a while, we are grateful for setting a great power of example for people who are new and need help.

We are also grateful that you continue to practice a spiritual program every day as we cannot live today on yesterday’s sobriety.

Now, your turn…

What are you grateful for?

Share your gratitude list below.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

As a reminder, be sure to connect with others who are posting below and in the feed to grow your sober network. You will never know when you need them, but one thing is for sure… you will need them as we cannot do this alone.

Alone we are powerless, together, there is nothing we can’t accomplish.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I am grateful for this sober tip. Thank you so very…!

I am so grateful for my relationship with my higher power. Also I am grateful for my way of living and for the unconditional love that my children have for me. I am grateful that I get to wake up every morning and make a conscious decision to stay sober for today.


I needed this today!!


I am grateful that my higher power took the TASTE and CRAVING for Alcohol out of my body.
And shown me a new way of living . :+1::+1:


I am grateful for this beautiful day, trusting that my higher power will guide me through today with acceptance, kindness, and tolerance.


I am grateful for LOOSID and all its members.

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I am great full for the encouragement I receive from these tips and the people who responded to my questions and others for sharing their thoughts on sobriety

  1. I'm grateful for Jesus.
  2. I'm grateful for my church family.
  3. I'm grateful for my natural family.
  4. I'm grateful for my friends.
  5. I'm grateful for clean water.
  6. I'm grateful for strength.
  7. I'm grateful I have not had COVID-19.
  8. I'm grateful for my husband.
  9. I'm grateful for good food.
  10. I'm grateful for opportunities.
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I am grateful for today... my daughter... my mom...the birds...the moon and the sun

I'm so grateful for God's amazing mercy and grace. I'm grateful for my 65 days of sobriety. I'm grateful for my loving, supportive family.

I am grateful from a second chance and another day !!!

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I’m grateful to be sober another day. I’m working diligently to change my mindset and to develop a new attitude. Just starting to take action in using some of the helpful tools. Next I need to develop a network and reach out more. I even bought a book someone suggested on another thread that helped…”This Naked Mind…Control Alcohol”

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Stick with the big book . And a 12 step program. Get a sponsor, call everyday. So you get use to reaching out. Meetings. I went 5 days a week for 15 years. STAY CLOSE

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Grateful for food, shelter, work and business opportunities, and removal of low vibrating people from my life

I am grateful for today. I am also grateful for the 12 steps. I am grateful for my higher power. I am grateful that I have not drank today. I am thankful for the halfway house, and the supportive living program that I was in. I am grateful for all those who help me stay sober. And most of all I am really grateful for the 37 years that I have sober. I am grateful for all the tests that I’ve been put through to get this far.

I am grateful for this community and all the members within. I’m also grateful for my family and parents who have always been there for me, for the greater power, God that has never left me even when I have fallen he’s always picked me up and helped me. I am grateful for this journey that hasn’t been an easy one but has made me realize that life is so much better than addiction.

I am grateful for each and everyday that God wakes me up.. for all the many blessings I have.. that I’m clean and sober and God took the cravings away.. I’ve been sober for 25 years from alcohol and 20 months from drugs.. I’m grateful that God sent me thru treatment so I could learn about myself and what it takes to be happy.. and give me peace of mind.. I’m grateful to have a different way of life.. and God to show me the way each day..

Me too.