Loosid Sober Tip of the Day June 14

Our disease is waiting outside for us in the parking lot doing pushups.

This phrase is heard quite often when working a spiritual program of recovery to remind ourselves what is waiting for us should we ever choose to go back to our previous way of life.

We know this because, sadly, many people go out on a regular basis, and we have clear evidence what happens for those who actually make it back.

We have seen countless people come back completely shocked that their disease was as bad as it ever was and even more realize that it was infinitely worse.

Why? Because it was doing pushups waiting for us.

Here is then great news… you NEVER need to find out.

There are tens of millions of us in recovery here to walk with you on this journey together.

The journey is beautiful when we do it together. It is quite treacherous when we try it alone.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


The sound of this tip was spoken and the words echoed for miles in pure Abyss and empty space for not a soul to hear. Im sorry bc its a great tip but not for someone in my demo. Ok? There are more addicts in the gay community will always be the loneliest on earth bc no one is allowed to be free of judgment or ridicule. Its not fair but its reality. Yea I guess some of us get lucky and find their safety group but if "the gays" know ur name, they might as well know ur entire life story and they're gonna judge you and exclude you even if they go home and smoke the same shit you smoking on. That's the sad truth I live with, and im barely dependent on these substances. I'd love to see truth in the rehabilitation system as it has been for so long but its bullshit and if its not just the means to justify your reputation its an uphill battle with an army of Katty bitches. Im not a negative person (not that im doing a very good job of showing that right now) but the truth is you can get clean and stay sober on your own but some people don't have to. Im just saying that opening up about your truth in some lifestyles can do more danger than assistance. Ty loosid bc its quality advise and im a bit jaded so sorry for being Debby downer but its never as easy in practice as it sounds on paper.

Powerful point…thank you.

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Attacking gay people as if all gay people are the same, in or out of recovery, offends me as a queer. Putting that aside, the disease is doing push-ups without me. I can attest that it only gets worse. It’s so much easier to gather your recovery tools and resources and put together a workable recovery plan. Anything else leads to misery. Half measures avail us nothing (but misery).

Great message. Still looking for meetings in the Glen Burnie area.

I have used and been addicted for 35 yrs and I am just now learning how strong and real my addiction is. I’m also just learning how to share. I finally realize that I’m not alone.

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You’re not alone. I lean towards your experience. Long term alcohol use/dependence. There are so many like us. Happy 24 Mark!

what are you talking about?

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Never isolate!!! Always reach out :pray:t2:

Look at CJ Slasher’s post.

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wtf are THEY on

Describing gays as judgmental as if queers, everyone of us, is judgmental. Why do queers get a bad name almost everywhere? This is a recovery site. Let’s focus on recovery.

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Thank you! Although I think the person is sober?

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let’s hope so :sweat_smile:

My disease is doing pull ups

My goodness. This is heart wrenching. It's crazy.

I gave up pork. If I choose to eat pork again I could get sick because my body isn't accustomed to it in my diet. I may be sick a couple days after, that's it. No big deal.

But if one relapses everything changes. S/he has to figure out what went wrong, start clean days over, get into treatment, avoid nouns that got them, and deal with guilt. For the rest of his/her s/he'll have to battle addiction. Rather it's staying clean/sober or getting clean/sober.

I'm grateful I know Jesus and don't have to fret this.

The journey is beautiful reminds me of the times I went white water rafting. (West Virginia's new river gorge. Upper Gauley. ) we were in rafts with five to 11 other people. We were all in the same struggle, and all in danger of drowning. Each rapid threw everything it could at each raft, and we all fought for our lives...together. if you have ever been in the rapids you know what I am talking about. The exhilarating feeling of making it through each challenge was something that is with me 20+ years later. So too is the memory of how beautiful the river was. The journey may be filled with rapids, but the valley is also filled with beauty.

IMO, it's as easy or as difficult as you make it!!

If you don't mind doing Zoom meetings you can do meetings all over the country and world for that matter. Call your local intergroup and ask where there are live meetings in your area. I have been very fortunate because throughout this entire Plandemic I have been within walking distance of no less than 3 meetings a day, usually 5 as long as you didn't mind putting your health at risk wearing a face diaper!