Loosid Sober Tip of the Day July 31

Put down the bat, take out the feather.

We are often so hard on ourselves that it is no wonder why often find ourselves out of serenity.

There is a saying in recovery, “If anyone treated me the way I treat myself, I would not tolerate it.”

Today would be a great time to remind yourself to put down the bat and take out the feather.

Whether you are in the beginning of your journey or 30 years in, we must make sure we treat ourselves with dignity and grace.

Be gentle on yourself today.

How did this tip resonate with you? What is your tip of the day? Share with the community below.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


This is so true. I can be my own worst critic.

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So true.. thanks for reminding me.:+1::+1:


It's so true. I wouldn't tolerate it from someone else and I shouldn't have to tolerate it from myself. I will try to be kinder to me

I absolutely love this saying (and I only just recently heard it!).
Today, I am putting down my bat and taking out my feather. Thank you for the reminder.

Love it Jacques!!! Excited to get your episode in. Sounds great!! All love :pray::heart:

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A reminder is needed.

each day is the start of my new life. It has worked for over 45 years