Loosid Sober Tip of the Day July 19

Moving from being sober to getting sober requires us to start working a spiritual program.

We have removed the ‘spirits’ and need to replace it with spirituality.In 12 step Groups, this consists of Unity (meetings and fellowship), Service (to others), and the 12 steps.

Whatever the spiritual program, you need to enter it quickly. If we sit in the seat of sobriety and do not embark on a spiritual program, we will stay in pain.

If you have questions on what to do, ask in the comment section below. The Loosid community is here to help you.

If you have been sober for a while and are working a spiritual program, help the newcomers by sharing your experience below.

There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


It the the key to staying sober..!!! So true..

This is so true....

Bikram yoga is my spiritual go to

Tried every possible way before entering the spiritual grounds..I could not live the life of sobriety on my own or even with the help of professionals. I gave up and made the choice to invite God, my higher power into my life. 7 years now, I wouldn't want life any other way to be honest. Perfect, no! Better, absolutely. I really didn't have anything to lose.


Katie I’m stuck on my 4th step and somebody told me that if I had truly given up my will and started having faith that it shouldn’t be so hard to start my 4th so I’m asking for suggestions on how people(you) finally realized that you truly gave up your will to a higher power did you sit down and write out how your life was unmanageable!?
I mean I know it is unmanageable when I drink but maybe seeing it in black and white it will truly sink in

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I have 3 months

Hi Bobbie-me too! Still feels like very little time—summer and alcohol always seemed to go together for me.

Yes it’s still hard but very worth it

I need other people in recovery as part of my spiritual program. I tried doing it on my own, but on my own I can't even have a relationship with God. I need other people for my spirituality to work.

Struggling to find my way and my truth

I have not been doing a spiritual journey and am really scared of relapse. I am 200 days in and have done ok with it but I have been here before. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.