Loosid Sober Tip of the Day July 18

We don’t know what we don’t know.

Much like anyone who does anything for the first time, everyone comes into recovery knowing the same thing. Nothing.

1- We have no experience of what it is like to be sober.

2- We have no experience on what it takes to get (emotionally) sober.

3- We don’t know what it’s like to stay sober.

The next 3 days are going to concentrate on these 3 aspects of sobriety.

If you are starting your journey, you have not experienced any of these 3 parts of sobriety.

If you have been sober a while, while this may not be new to you, it is equally as important as the people with the strongest recovery programs know that when we find ourselves ‘off the beam’, we need to go back to the very basics that got us sober in the first place.

It is equally as important to remember what it felt like to be sober for the first time.

So what does it feel like to be sober?

Being sober for the first time may feel very strange. This is because we are living life on life’s terms for the first time. We used to live on alcohol’s terms, or whatever our drug of choice was.

We feel the pain without numbing it. We feel the joy without trying to accelerate it. This can be very uncomfortable at first.

Here’s the good news… the ‘getting sober’ part will make you feel better than you ever imagined. It’s called recovery.

Tomorrow we will discuss getting sober, which must happen in order for us accomplish the third part… staying sober.

If you are experiencing ‘being sober’ for the first time, know that it is completely normal to feel discomfort. You are in the right place.

Remember, we avoid discomfort at all cost but we are avoiding the very thing that will see us free

How did this tip resonate with you? Are you sober for the first time? Have you started your recovery journey? Have you been in recovery a while and have some tips to share? There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Great information.

I’m sober almost 9 mo now for the first time in my adult life. I’m 50. It is strange at times but I’m enjoying it more and more. Thank you JESUS. :pray:


Congratulations Mark!
Better later than never.
All the best.


I’m also in my 50’s sober for the first time, going on 90 days. I definitely love my new life. I owe it all to my higher power and AA, meditating every day and reading he Big Book and 12 Steps 12 Traditions. I go at being sober as hard as I went at drinking and driving. It’s a great day to be sober.


and doing drugs

Only on day 2 and it is so so hard

I find my confidence continue to grow each day.

I'm on day 9, and I'm reflecting on the part of alcohol numbing life's experiences, both the good and the bad ones. It's scary and exciting to face each day without that numbing.

I want to stay sober! I want this desire to be taken from me. I know that being sober will not make it perfect but it will improve it for sure. Already at day 22 so many things have fallen in place. My husband still has prostate cancer but we're dealing with it. I couldn't go through it drunk.


Rawness in sobriety is so real and full of all kinds of feels! …definitely yin & yang. Good this morning at a meeting, stomach in knots this evening. All I know is that ONLY following a 12 step program as best I can, engaging my sponsor, doing what is suggested & attending meetings has gotten me this meager but rewarding 46 days of actual, real, terrifying,and previously unknown existence!

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In recovery for a while. It is without a doubt the biggest gift I’ve ever asked for/received. I stay so connected to my sober community’s to be of service and to remind myself to remember the beginning. Anyone struggling.. I’ve been there and I PROMISE you it gets easier. This is your moment in your life to change everything you know about yourself and who you want to be.

I always come back to this quote I heard at the beginning of my sober journey.. “Now that I’m sober.. things are really fucking awkward!”

True shit lol