Loosid Sober Tip of the Day July 17

Resentment is the #1 offender. It kills more alcoholics and addicts than anything.

We talk about resentment frequently in the daily tips for this very reason. Why? Because repetition is the mother of skill.

In the same way we need to remind ourselves what works, it is equally as powerful to remind ourselves what does not work.

Most of us reading this have a resentment or two in our back pockets. Even if we have done the work to free ourselves of resentments, so many of us hold onto a few as we feel we are not ready to let them go.

Just for today, make a decision to let them go. You are drinking the poison waiting for the other person to suffer. Choose not to suffer today.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:



Resentments only hold us back from becoming better versions of ourselves :pray::heart:


I am struggling SO much with resentment right now! I can't seem to shake it! I have worn out the serenity prayer in my head.

This is so true I just got divorced and I am trying very hard to unload a lot of resentments crazy time to get sober but I was sober for 27 years I know how to get it done and I am doing just that sorry to toot my own horn I will work on that

Perfect! Have been low key seething about past incidents. Letting them go frees my energy for opportunities!

Giving up resentments have made me so at peace with the past
I'm thankful to God and my supporters for being there when I went on and on and on about them

Resentment is failed expectations. I have spent much time being aggravated due to resentment

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Repetition is the mother of skill, I love this

I allow people to live rent free in my head! I’m so tired of it! How to we let them go? Yes, resentments are tough to get rid of. I’m learning to live in the moment. Focus on what I’m doing now. Let the future happen as I build it with the now moments.

Love :heartpulse:

So true

You pray and ask your higher power to remove your resentments. Do it faithfully every night until they are gone. That’s what works for me.

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Thank you DeeDee! I honestly believe I can do that.