Loosid Sober Tip of the Day July 15

The opposite of addiction is connection.

This is a statement that is used quite a bit in recovery and there is a world of truth in that powerful statement.

If you are new to recovery, it is very important to connect with others who share your common bond. Though your experiences may be different the feelings of loneliness and isolation are the same.

Know that you are not alone. There is a community all around you to help. If you don’t have at least three people you can connect with at any time, make a decision today to connect with at least three people who can support you in your recovery.

Whether this is in a 12-step group, Loosid, or you have friends or family members in recovery does not matter. Just make sure you have a support team around you who will be there when you need it

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


Great tip… good idea.!!

I just lost my husband of 28 years. He was also an alcoholic but no interest in sobriety. Through all of this pain I am still 92 days sober. But I am very lonely and really want to go to meetings. Just don't know where to start.


I am so sorry for your loss. I go to Zoom Smart Recovery meetings and Zoom AA meetings. I understand being lonely. You can talk to me anytime :two_hearts:

Oh karen, I am so sorry for your loss. I am so proud of you for your 92 days. You always can find support here. Reach out, we're all around you

Karen I am very sorry for your loss I think I no a little about how you feel I just got divorced after 34 years am sober and very lonely I don’t have a car and all the meetings locally are in Spanish but I am researching online meetings you could try that if you need a little support I would be happy to communicate with you

Thanks Allen. Let me know what you find online. I'm not very good at that stuff.

Hi I’m Donna and I’m sorry fir your loss. You can reach out at anytime I am new in aa and I love it

Not sure if this app is made for connection?

So sorry for your loss but congratulations on your sobriety! I’m a big fan of SMART Recovery. They have meetings online and in person. I’ve found it helps me way, way more than AA or NA ever could. Here’s their website if you want to check it out: https://www.smartrecovery.org/. Wishing you the very best!

My condolences for your lose. Get connected with NA/AA and get some numbers. Share your story. It’s very crucial that you reach out. And congrats on your 92 days.

There should be a local phone number for AA groups in your area. Just call, and they will put you in touch with someone happy to help you get to a meeting. People are glad to help as they get as much out of it as they person they help.

Thank you for that message

Hey,My Family I am 70 days clean, and sober that message is so true, I know without support I would never come this FAR !!!

I totally agree! I’m amazed at how my people I’ve met in my recovery that I would have not even known due to my isolation and self-centeredness. I’ve built a pretty solid support group. It also, feels good when others research out to me for guidance or venting.
Thank you Loosid
Love you too!