Loosid Sober Tip of the Day July 14

Building your sober network.

In recovery, it is very important to surround ourselves with people who share our common bond.

It is also important that we make sure those people we choose to connect with are constantly striving to put more in their spiritual toolkits.

In the same way we get better in sports when we play with people who have more experience and skills, sobriety works the same way.

Look for people who have what you want and connect with them.

If you are brand new to recovery, make a commitment today to get a group of at least 5 people you can reach out to on a regular basis via phone.

There are over 23 million people in recovery in the United States.

There are thousands of 12 step meetings at any given time that you can attend virtually… there is the entire Loosid community… there is no shortage of people to find.

They are all around you… if you look for them.

We only stay sober if we give away what was freely given to us. Because of this, you will find how responsive others will be when you reach out to build your sober network.

You will be helping them… and they will be helping you.

That is what recovery is all about.

How did this tip resonate with you? Do you have a sober network? How have they helped you?

If you have been sober for a while and you look to help others, how has helping others helped strengthen your sobriety?

Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I will do this. I need more sober friends.


Good morning Jeff,
Me too! I need more sober friends, but it's a challenge.
Rarely do I find a sober educator or musician who's sober. Just like most things in my life, I have to go at it alone. For me and me only, I learned to find strength ( mostly ) in my army of one.
Like the Serenity prayer says, " accept the things that I can't change."
At least being on this app gives me support and I in turn support others.
All the best to you.


I would like like to find people in my community that are like minded.

It really works. All my friends in my contacts are sober today

This is such a crucial part of our sober journey. I am here in upstate New York or on this app and need sober friends

This is key. Some old friends may bring back old habits.

Louisiana here
Looking for sober friends .
All of mine at this moment love to drink.

Please write me if you’re looking for a sober friend! Right now I have very few and would love to meet new people.

I have tried responding before and my responses don’t show up-my phone perhaps? Regardless. I am grateful to this community and yes, am looking forward to expanding my sober network!

Oh hooray, my reply posted:)!

To Dave E , oh - I lived in Louisiana for five years and associate those years with getting me on the path to sobriety. I was doing well between 2014 and 2016, while by the end of 2016 , I relapsed and have had numerous stops and starts since then. I not had a drink in two and a half weeks which is a big deal after years of daily drinking for the most part. Rooting for everyone. “ have not had “ - pardon the typo above.

Yep I was born and raised in Louisiana so I grew up in a drinking environment and while I don’t drink everyday anymore I binge drink a couple times a week which I just want to stop.