Loosid Sober Tip of the Day April 8

There is a saying, “For those amongst us no explanation is necessary. For those not amongst us no explanation is possible.”

We often get frustrated when friends or family members don’t understand why we do what we do. The truth is, if they are not one of us, they cannot and will not be able to identify. This is the beauty of connecting with people who share your common bond.

Surround yourself you can identify with what you are going through. Though our experiences are different, the feelings of loneliness, isolation and the need to get out of the now remain the same.

How did this tip resonate with you? What is your tip of the day? Share with the community below.

With Love, Loosid :pray:t4::heart:


It resonates, trust me. 1000%.

I guess my tip would be, to go out and connect with the ones who showed support and have been there for you during your struggle. However close or far. Sometime during active addiction we scare the ones we love into being cautious around us. Reconnect and love the ones you care for.


Trust is hard to regain after years of addiction. Best thing one day at a time and it will definitely come back talk is cheap actions are what’s real. Good day. My name is Tom am a alcoholic. 17 years sober. One day at a time.

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Indeed! Try to be understanding of the person that doesn't understand!

Spot on!!!

I feel this 100%

I absolutely feel this resonates with me.

I think this is one of the things that has made my early sobriety journey so very hard every time I have tried. My whole world is filled with drinkers and I don't have any sober friends or community.

I am looking for that here and hopefully will be able to find it!

Spot in with words I couldn't come up with On My Own...

I struggle through those naughty “now” moments almost everyday. It’s quite a task trying to keep my mind thinking forward thoughts. This tip of the day has me wanting to get the answer to the how now question. How? Life is super challenging for me so far. Will someone please share how the sensation of daily frustration and severe anxiety may be overcome in a healthy and happy way?

Hi Debbie. What you seek takes time and practice. Try to be mindful of what triggers your frustration and your anxiety. If you understand what and why you are being triggered then you can chose coping skills that best soothes your discomfort. Hope this helps, have a great day! :v: out!

Good advice