Loosid Sober Tip of the Day April 14

Loosid Sober Tip of the Day April 14

HOW. Honest. Open. Willing.

Enjoying a wonderful life of sobriety has everything to do with living a life of honesty, openness and willingness. The truth is, if everyone lived by these principles, the world would be an infinitely better place.

Be honest.

Be honest with yourself. That’s the only way we can fully understand who we are and what help we may need when we are going through challenges. When we look at our past, we often realize we were never honest with ourselves. We refused to believe we had a problem and because of this, we never gave ourselves the opportunity to get help to change our lives. Be honest with people. No matter what.

Be open.

Be open to suggestion. Be open to learning new things. Be open to trying new places. Be open to take upon new challenges.

Be willing.

Be willing to change. Be willing to do the necessary steps to create that change. Be willing to forgive someone, if only to free yourself of anger and resentment.

How did this tip resonate with you? Let us know your thoughts below. There are many people in the Loosid community who need to hear what you have to say.

With Love, Loosid :pray::heart:


I love this. It is a simple way to hold ourselves accountable in our recovery. Simple things are the best things.

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I have always considered myself as being open, honest and accepting. Then I hit a moment of anger, resentment, closed-mindedness, judgment of others and closing myself off in hiding and shame. This tip is the core and shows simplicity of recovery. I'm taking this to heart today. I hope others will also.



Such a simple - and powerful - tip. I always love hearing this one. :sparkling_heart::sparkles:

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More powerful words have never been spoken. Day 3. I might need to read,read,and re-read today's tip.

Be willing to do the necessary steps to create change. As humans we look to others to be the change. Not anymore. I’m going to change. I can’t control how others act. But I can control how I act. So I need to be the change.

I've learned through this process that acting a part never did me any good. I can't be the person I was pretending to be anyway. Through practicing the principals of my program, I am learning who “me” actually is. And I think he's a lot better than “pretend me”.

Very true, great advice!
