Loosid Sober Tip of the Day April 10

When living a life in recovery, you will find that the challenges in life don’t go away. So long as you are breathing, life will have its ups and downs. That is guaranteed. That’s called life.

What you need to know is that even though the challenges in life don’t go away, we get better at dealing with life’s challenges.

You will find that many of the things that used to bother us in life don’t bother us anymore. That’s the beauty of living a sober life.

How did this tip resonate with you? What is your tip of the day? Share with the community below.

With Love, Loosid :pray:t4::heart:

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Tried and true...acceptance and tolerance are my resiliency!

My mother is controlling and manipulative. Today I told her in a surprisingly calm manner " you take things out on us." "We see the scowls that you give us." "We hear the negative things that you say about us under your breath." "We hear you sigh when we don't jump at your command, and it makes us tense and it is counter productive." I was so calm. Before sobriety, I was full of anxiety and I would just wait to explode, and then use the explosion as an excuse to drink. Yes, things still happen, but we are no longer operating from a place of negative reactivity. My mom ended up apologizing....WOW!!

That’s amazing Rikk. What a powerful example of working a great program. :pray::heart:

Living sober 24 hours at a time works.