Loosid Book Club

What are you reading? What’s helping?

I started Atomic Habits last night. Whoa. It makes so much sense. It’s not revolutionary but it helps explain very clearly why people are disappointed in the results soon after making a big positive change in their life.


Last time I did one of these it was all about Russell Brand and his book Recovery.

Also, if the Big Book is too much, too fast in your newfound sobriety or sober curiosity, try Living Sober. It’s such a great introduction into the challenges we’ve all faced, and what has worked well for millions of people like us in the past.

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I just ordered Narcotics Anonymous too.

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There are some great videos on youtube with the author of Atomic Habits author James Clear. Also if anyone can't afford it, you can get it or the audio book at the library.


That is a great read! Lots of great tips.

I just finished a book called unf*ck your boundaries. Possibly one of the best self help books I've ever read

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Ordered!! $4.00 on Amazon if anyone is feeling spendy :money_mouth_face:

It's wonderful. Informative without being academic or preachy. It's really helped me as I had horrible boundaries while in active addiction, I know shocking, right?

I'm also reading Pema Chödron "comfortable with uncertainty" her wisdom radiates through these short Buddhist inspires passages.


Finished Russell Brand's Recovery and now reading Revelation

Who’s that one by?

Him too

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I loved his book but I need a little break from his Englishness

To each their own :wink:

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Reading Unfuck your Boundaries tonight and boy do I feel like a horrible person. Man I am just clueless when it comes to other people. I consciously try to be aware of when I’m being controlling. Tonight I learned a zillion ways I exert control over others without even a clue I’m doing it. Damn.