Looking to start over

Looking to start over. I've come to the realization that I can't stay around the same people, places and things....just like the Big Book says. Pittsburgh is a nice, hospitable place, so not sure if I should/need to move. Friends are all addicts of varying degrees, so just looking for helpful suggestions.

Smart thinking Ron. I don't think you necessarily have to move. You're just going to have to make some new rules. I mean if you can move away from the old crowd and start fresh without too much trouble, then by all means go for it.

I would definitely start getting to some AA meetings if you are alcoholic or NA meetings if you were into drugs. They're both really the same. It's important that you get some new friends and some phone numbers and start using the phone numbers to contact people. Surround yourself with quality sober people that have been sober for a long time and get yourself a sponsor.

And don't feel too bad. You're not the first one that's tried to stay sober and stick with the old friends. Sober places sober people.


I see folk restart in New places all the time. You have to decide if moving is right for you, but I can say in this area I can't trow a rock without hitting someone who relocated here for a new start.

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Only you can answer that question about moving. One downfall of moving could be Isolation if you don't know anyone. It's not good for mankind to be alone. Would you move to a new area where you know sober people?