Looking for support. Currently detoxing alone at home

Looking for support. Currently detoxing alone at home.


stay strong! You can do it!!

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First, what are you detoxifying from ?Do you have someone checking on you ?

I did it. It was horrible, but I don’t regret it. Feeling the physical result of what alcohol had done to me was very powerful. Among the million things I’ve learned since sobering up, the knowledge of that experience is something that helps me say no to urges or cravings.

This is not medically even close to safe or the right thing to do. But I was insane. Alcohol and drugs make you insane. They affect your mind in such a way that you rationalize doing things that, with a clear head, you realize are completely reckless and crazy.

Hi I did the same thing in February this year....it was not easy and I went thru serious he’ll with dreams,feelings all those kind of things with TIME it will get better I’m living proof!! So don’t give in PRAY a lot and remember YOU are worth this!!! May you have a most excellent life!!!!

Hi Rebecca. Please contact a doctor. Detoxing alone can be harmful.

I wish you get through it, I will keep u in my prayers if you need someone to talk to I’m here

At the first sign of side effects call a doctor. They can get pretty bad.

Currently doing the same with some medication from my doctor. On day 2. It’s not fun