Looking for sponsor and support

11 days sober. Looking for support and a sponsor. Nervous about the weekend coming up. I have no sober friends. Need to build a support system this time. Hope this site will help.


Hi, Laura. Congrats on Day 11. Did you reach out to AA/NA to get a sponsor?

Your feelings of being alone in sobriety are normal. I have friends because I go to church. If it weren't for my friends from church I would have a few who live in a different time zone from me. I may have 1 now- but I am not sure.

I know a lot of friendships can be started because we (self) took the initiative. Find someone to befriend. It could be a neighbor, coworker, etc.

One of my favorite friendships blossomed with a college classmate. We learned that we thought we hated each other. She didn't like the looks I gave her and vice versa. I nearly missed out on one of the greatest people over a simple misunderstanding.

She's like one of the nicest people I've ever met. I value her. I say this to say you might find friends in places you least expect it.

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Thank you so much for your response! You are so kind and well spoken. I know what you mean, I need to put myself out there more. Likely why I am 41 and single as well. Things are not just going to fall in my lap or knock on my front door. Would be nice if the did though. I also attend church but it is a really big one and hard to get connected. Especially with Covid now. I am however starting a 12 step small group at my church that starts in two weeks. It has really helped me to stay sober just knowing I have that coming up. Well thanks again for your response, you offer great advise.

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I'm glad I could help you. That's awesome you're starting a 12-step program at your church. Do you realize what you opened up?!!!! That's amazing. :raised_hands:t5:

You have opened yourself to reach people and be a conduit for Christ. You have put yourself in a position to be a friend to many. You're about to help others experience a life-changing moment. Do not worry that you don't have friends. They'll come. :two_hearts:

I'm so proud of you.

ā€œA man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.ā€- Proverbs 18:24

Just saw your post Laura anytime you need some help feel free to ask I'll do the best I can


And there a a ton of great avenues in your area!!!

Keep up the good work and don't beat yourself down if you so happen to relapse again you got to start from the bottom to work your way back up anyways keep up the good work

Keep up the good work one day at a time and you always have a friend in me if u need to talk

If you are in AA, I can help. I sponsor over the phone

Iā€™m available

Wow Amanda!
I love that story. I have a tendency to judge people just by looking at them and thinking the worst of them. Somehow or another when circumstances lead to us finally meeting in person, it turns out that I'm the one that's the ***hole and the other person is good people.