Looking for some local help. Need safety

Looking for some community

Hey, JT. What's going on?

I just don’t feel safe

Is it where you are staying that doesn't feel safe or some thing else?

I got pushed out on the streets and it’s non stop I just want to close my eyes.

I’ve been sober a while but I can’t find a quiet place

First thing you need to do is find a safe place to go. Is there a shelter of hospital near you?

I’m scared shitless tonight.

What city are you in?

Are you sober?

Phoenix, az

Yes sober

Ok. There is a listing in the sober help on this app. It has telehelp. One of them might be able to help you. I'll look for shelters near you.

I don’t trust shelters here

I’m going to the VA

That is a good option. If you have VA benefits then definitely start there. As much as I don't like shelters myself it is better than a bridge for a shter.

How close are you to the VA.

Not close enough

I’m waiting at a bus stop

But I’m far out