Looking for sober people in LA to hang out with

Looking for sober people in LA to hang out with. I’ve been sober 3 years and I even work in treatment but I feel like I need more sober friends. I just ended a relationship that consumed all of my time so I haven’t created my own sober network outside of work. So here I am reaching out to you all…. (Especially women) To be honest I feel pretty silly posting this… :relaxed:

Don't feel silly. Looking for more sober friends is one of the best things you can do for your sobriety. No point in befriending people who drink; and that may cause you to relapse or be hurt because they won't have sober fun.

Congrats on 3 years!

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If I was in LA I would hang out with you! :slight_smile:

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I’m in LA. Not a woman but maybe that doesn’t matter🙂 Also interested in making fiends and enjoying sober activities. Message me if you want to chat. I’m actually so new to this community that I don’t know how to direct message. Anyway. I’m glad ur posting and creating something positive for yourself. Not silly. Brave and intentional.

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