Looking for Sober Friends :

Looking for Sober Friends :slight_smile:
Hi, all! This is my first post. I’m new to the area and looking to build a sober network. Anyone want to grab coffee or lunch? DM me🤗


Ill be your friend:)

Im 7.5 hrs away any chance we could meet half way :stuck_out_tongue:

How much sober time do you have? If you are in your first year I highly recommend that you stick with the women for now.


Hi Dana, I'm 7 months into sobriety, also looking for sober friends in JC

You make it out to LA and we’ll grab that food. Lots of it :slight_smile:

These people are somehow hitting on you when you are asking for friends in just saying hi :slight_smile:

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Me too

Hey Dana congrats! i found tons of good guys around me by going to meetings… some of the best friends I have now. I would suggest talking to other women with working knowledge of the 12 steps and ask them to introduce you to their network. Best wishes

Welcome to the app. Sorry about all the guys that think asking for friendship is code for hit on me. Some of the are genuinely trying to be friends.

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Also to those guys who are hitting on the OP. Just a reminder dating type messages are to be kept in the dating portion of the app


Happy that you joined the loosid family I want to say welcome, We're do you live I live in brattleboro vt

I’m an aged gent with dope an drink problems new comers don’t need friends they need guidance then you can make friends peace

Joking around, and saying ill be your friend is far from hitting on her. Get over yourself.

Im sorry about Steve and Charlie. They are special.


Hi! I’m currently in Easton, CT

Where did i say you specifically were hitting on anyone? How do you know a response wasn't deleted?