Looking for friends in recovery

I’ll be four years sober November 1st. Even after all this time I don’t friends in recovery, and it makes me feel very alone. I am looking for new platforms to make connections/friends! This is new for me to be posting to anything, so if anyone has any advice or other platforms or groups to join please reach out to me :blush:


Hello and welcome Samantha hope your doing well. Try AA.org Do you have meetings in your area? Your not alone. I hope some ladies reach out to you on here. 4 years is a long time congrats. If you need to chat I’m on here often. I myself know I couldn’t have done it for 4 years by myself. I got just over 7 years and still go to a meeting every now and than. I get on here when I’m at work so I don’t have to listen to everyone’s drunk log and talking about drinking. It helps to read people’s story’s and possibly help someone. Let’s stay in touch.

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Hi Steve! Thank you for your response. I don’t have any meetings that I go to. I’m here if you need to chat too. People drink at my work and it makes me feel so uncomfortable so I get that.

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Yes. Message me :blush:

Congratulations on sobriety!!! Hopefully, you're doing ok.
This App is great for meeting people in recovery, hope you meet some good women :relaxed:


Thank you so much!! Haven’t had much luck yet but I’m hopeful! I definitely need more people I can talk to :blush:

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Hi Samantha ! It sounds like you are doing awesome. I don’t have any advice, but that is one cool looking picture. :grinning:


Recently sober myself. Also looking for friends. Add me if you like :+1:


Definitely interested in building a support network. All are welcome.

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Thank you!

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Congratulations!! Just sent you a friend request

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Hello Samantha I am new to the group and almost at my 30 day mark I would welcome your friendship and any advice you can give me along the way to help out

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Hey Samantha , new to all of this too and also find it hard and lonely. Meeting new people has made me very anxious. Congratulations on your sobriety. You inspire a lot of people to keep putting in the work to live a better life. I’m glad I read your post this morning. Friend me if you want. It’d be nice to chat w somebody who “gets it”.

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Hi Samantha
Good job on your 4 years coming up! That’s amazing!
I’ve got some longtime sobriety going on. 16 yrs October 25.
I’m also new to the forum, never tried one before. I don’t have any friends in sobriety. Haven’t been to a meeting in a long time. Hard to find good ones. I’ve found the people either not taking it seriously enough..or taking so serious, they lack a friend vibe.
That’s why I’m looking for different outlets. No one to talk to that truly gets it.
Good luck and congratulations!!:dizzy:

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I can be introverted at times but I'll make an acception for you Sam and be your friend were both from MA so why not? :wink:

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Keep up the good work too..that's a lot of time and no easy feat, great work!

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