Looking for female friendships- please friend me if you’re interested

Looking for female friendships- please friend me if you’re interested in a sober buddy. Please, not looking for male friends. I definitely appreciate any advice on posts from either gender but am very cautious in my more intimate interactions; please don’t be offended if I decline your friend request.


Hi! Looks like we’re both trying to find a way to make some sober friends! My name is Lexie, I’ve been sober for 4 days now. I was sober for 3 weeks and then relapsed so I’m definitely in my early stages. How long have you been sober? How are you adjusting to everything so far? This is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and it’s very challenging to do it without peer support from people who truly know what we are going through.

Hey Lexie! I sent you a friend request but I still haven’t figured out how to send a PM unless someone messages me first. Clearly technologically challenged! I’m 12 days in. I have made it 30 days once but otherwise find myself relapsing for 1 night about every 1-2 weeks. We don’t have alcohol in the house which I have found the most helpful but my husband and all our friends drink during social events and it’s hard to not feel left out or like I’m missing out on the fun. During the week it seems to be easy- it’s the weekend that gets me....too much time to think! If you know how to PM, send me a message!

I’d love to have a female friend as well!! We can go on this journey together

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I'm in too! I

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Do any of you know if it’s possible to PM in a group text?

Hi Rachel, I am on day 1 checked in to a treatment center, for the 4th time. I would love to friend you, I don’t have any sober friends.

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Rachel, I sent a text to the help link to ask if there was any way to group message. I'll keep you all posted!

Heyyy!! I’ll message you my number

That’s awesome!! Thanks for thinking of it!

Perfect! I’m pretty new to this so still figuring out how to navigate.

I sent you a request! It would be awesome to have a group of us to rely on each other. Looking forward to getting to know you ladies!

Y'all can add me as well! Can't have too many sober ladies in my circle :heart:

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