Looking for a sponsor or someone who I can talk

Looking for a sponsor or someone who I can talk with about keeping my sobriety. I will do the same for them. I’m also trying to build my sober network so if anyone is here and in Orlando Florida please reach out! Trying to get a sober group of people together because you are who you surround yourself with and all my old friends are stuck in party mode.

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Spencer! Sponsors are for working the steps. They should be teaching you how to become a sponsor yourself. This wanting a sponsor as a therapist isn’t what the program had in mind. Therapist are licensed practitioners. If you want to talk I’d get a therapist or life coach.
Good mindset with making sober friends. Good luck with sobriety! You got this.
Don’t forget you can always vent here….

Well I’m here to change that brotha. Whatever works for u though