Looking for a sponsor. Almost 18 months sober and still

Looking for a sponsor. Almost 18 months sober and still don’t have one. Please advise. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


18 months!? Congrats I’d be honored


Going to any in person meetings? Raise your hand snd say “I need a sponsor”


Ha! If only it were that easy. I’m very shy and socially awkward.

Thank you so much!

One thing I’ve learned in sobriety is to put myself into uncomfortable situations to grow socially and spiritually. My higher power wouldn’t give me the opportunity to be in those situations if I wasn’t ready for them. It’s ok to speak up at meetings everyone there has been through or worse then our own story. It’s a no judge zone. You’re doing the right thing! Keep up the good work! Congrats on almost 18 months!

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You may not get a response at the first meeting you try, but keep trying until you get a few people you can have coffee with to see how well you “vibe”. You need to feel comfortable with this person or you won’t call when your ass is falling off.
If you need a temporary sponsor I’d be happy to fill in. Speaking out on here is a huge step for a shy person, and I agree with Kevin about putting yourself out there to grow. You’ve already taken the first step :tada:


18 months that’s a long time

we all have to make leaps of faith...courage is just another word for it. Sponsorship is great, it all comes from one sufferer helping another. We end up helping our sponsor as much as they help us

Congrats on 18 months. If you're not comfortable "raising" your hand during the meeting, have you considered asking for one via e-mail?

You have to participate in your recovery. What did you do to get your drugs or alcohol, chase your recovery with that same determination.

If you're going to AA, you should search for a sponsor at an AA meeting. It's advised, based on years of experience that women seek women sponsors and men seek men sponsors.

So I was in an international women's meeting on zoom and twice a week they have a sponsor matchup. Not sure how it works or when it is, but if you Google "24/7 international women's AA meeting" it'll pop right up. Everyone is super friendly and willing to help in any way they can. Also, if you want to message me, I would be willing to share some of my favorite meetings with plenty of great sponsorship options :slightly_smiling_face: Good luck honey!