Long running liar hiding drinking from my family

I gave up drinking several years ago due to my drinking causing long running problems with my marriage and family. I was sober for some while but eventually slipped and I hid it from my wife, kids, and everyone around me. For years now I have been hiding alcohol at the house, at work, in the car,etc. And I have been drinking in secret on and off for years. Yesterday I finally got "caught" when my wife found a stash of alcohol. I am so ashamed and I feel terrible as I have hurt her so badly. She knew there was something missing or off about our 27 year marriage and she tried to work on it and I just kept hiding the real problem and lying to her face over and over. I feel like a piece of garbage but I am also extremely relieved that it's finally in the open and I'm committed to doing what it takes this time to quit drinking, get counseling to sort out why I turn to it, and to patch the damage done as .such as possible over time. I'm going to need some help of a counselor because there's some deep rooted issues with my family background and such that are a contributing factor both genetically toward alcoholism but also other mental health behaviors that make drinking seem like a better option than dealing with problems.

I found this app and I just wanted to start the process of talking about this openly maybe with some people who can relate.

Anyway thanks for reading I'm not really sure how the app works yet but I just I'm posting my first post.

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