Living in a 3/4 house is kinda brutal. People constantly

Living in a 3/4 house is kinda brutal. People constantly going back out to use. Some have even died since ive been here. I usually take these opportunities to remind myself what can happen if I get complacent in my recovery, but it still is exhausting to bear witness to so much suffering.

I understand you and I know where you’re coming from. I was in a halfway house for a little more than a year. Then went into another program they had support of living. Between them too I was there for three years. I couldn’t tell you how many people I seen come and go. Support of living Program to people to an apartment. People go out and use and steal stuff out of the apartment That belong to the program. Did you know it may may program that I was working a lot stronger. And now today I have 37 years of sobriety. Yes it’s been a long hard 37 years but I’m still working my program.

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I just wonder if it gets to a point where the stress and sadness outweighs the motivation

Yes it does. But as long as you work your program you won’t have nothing to worry about. Go to meetings talk about it in the meetings. Even bring it up as a topic and talk about it. But there’s always going to be stress and sadness in your life. Just because We get sober those things don’t disappear. It’s always going to be there it all depends on how you handle it.

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Great that you have this awareness. If you stay on the path you're on, your life won't always be like this. It will get better and better, one day at a time. When I came back into the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous I had absolutely nothing to my name. Everything I owned was in about four or five trash bags. All the money I had was what was in my pocket. Today I have many blessings. Sobriety is most definitely the easier softer way but you have to start from Square One and you're doing that. You hang in there

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