Living a life of voluntary self-imprisonment?

Through millions of years of evolution, nature has caged you within certain boundaries — this is the human predicament.

But this imprisonment is only on the level of biology.

On the level of human consciousness, you are like a bird in a cage without a door.

What a tragic irony!

It is only out of long aeons of habit that you are refusing to fly free.

Life has left everything open for you.

Existence has not blocked anything for anyone.

If you are willing, you can access the whole universe.

Someone said, "Knock and it shall open."

You don't have to knock, because there is no door.

It is open.

You just have to walk through, that's all.

This is the sole purpose of the spiritual process.

The life and work of every spiritual guide, across history and across culture, has been just this: to point out that the cage door does not exist.

Whether you fly or choose to remain in the limitations of the cage — let that be a conscious choice.

The possibility of ultimate freedom may seem deeply threatening to many.

Yes, it is a threat — but only to your limitations.

Do you want to live a life of voluntary self-imprisonment?

Limiting your responsibility is to suffocate yourself on various levels — physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

Unfortunately, this stifling of life is understood by people as safety, as security.

Take the case of a seed.

If the seed constantly tries to save itself, a new life is impossible.

The seed goes through the tremendous struggle of losing what it believes is its identity — losing its safety and integrity and becoming vulnerable — in order to grow into a many-branched leafy tree, abundant in fruit and flower.

But without that vulnerability, that voluntary openness to transformation, life won't sprout. :seedling: