Little mid week update : I have been almost three

Little mid week update : I have been almost three weeks sober. I had a dream lastnight that I was drinking and partying. I don't know if I have to chuckle or get worried


I'm 4 months sober and I have them every night


Hahaha. It's interesting

Florida partying does that to you. Lol

Hey Ajay. Those are totally normal. They can kick rocks though. :joy::joy: On the bright side it was just a dream.

I, too, still have dreams about my dad being drunk. He has been dead nearly 10 years. I know how paralyzing they can be. I wake up crying and trying to figure out what happened until I realize it was just a dream.

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They pop up.. it’s those f’in demons trying to get out of time out


Haha. I just found it funny. It was also probably due to lack of social action

We need an exorcist

I’m closing in on a year and a half sober and these kind of dreams creep up from time to time. Alcohol brain is annoyingly cunning haha.

Thankfully there’s been some where I’ve straight up been repulsed by the idea even in my dream, so I guess something is working!

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Yo Ajay, 3 weeks.. Nice. What else you got cook'in!?

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I'm a year and half clean and still have dreams of getting high!! And also have dreams of going to get itam and the struggle used to have of looking for it! It's completely normal, it was something on your mind is all and your thinking about it daily when you say no to getting high or having a drink every day!

Thank you. Third weekend, cravings are high

Power to you

I need to figure out dating. Lol

Happy hunting.