Life is spiraling out of control

Life is spiraling out of control. Lost my car twice. My fiance now hits me. I have no home. Lost my kid to dhs. In and out of jail. No job. Nothing. But you can bet you'll find me with a dope sack

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Hi Ana, I'm sorry you are struggling right now. As far as the situation with the fiancé, you may look for a battered women's shelter in your area. Here is the web page for the national domestic abuse hotline.

A women's shelter would also temporarily solve the homelessness issue. You also need to consider rehab. There is a listing of every type of rehab in this app. You, can also try the telehelp section. There are places you can call that can give you advice.

Everything Steve said. Work on you so you can get your kids back. Do not use. Using will make your situation worse. That's a guarantee.

Be get help.

Sounds like my life before I got sober. But the great news is there is a solution! We can recover :relaxed::+1:

Thats what.the shit does. It takes our lives piece by piece and we watch it happen yet we do nothing to stop it. I can relate my life is being taken qlsi amd i know its because of dope. But i still do it. Why. Who knows. I feel like shit its ruined everything. Keeps me broke but i still want it. Stupid

I’m sorry Ana. :frowning:

Ana if u need help I can help u. Where are u currently? I’ve been in ur position before and have needed help. I have rooms to offer people male or female who truly have no place to go

I hope you get better.