Letting Go ⭐

We hear that we must let go of people, places, and things. We pretty much gotta get rid of nouns that are triggers for us. Which person, place, and/or thing is hardest for you to get rid of?


The job I worked at restaurants that was hard to quit the job but I found one that suits me , like to birds with one stone I can cook and no Booz around me and I am helping others because it’s a nonprofit organization that helps the homeless people and drugs addicted, I do enjoy it a lot

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That is great. Nothing like fulfilling work. Keep changing lives.

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Jeff, congrats on 2 years. :tada:

You are not defined by your past. Forgive yourself. And do it often.

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Had to tell my gf,good bye.

It may be hard now. Time is coming when you'll be grateful you did.

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I've had to let go of toxic family members. I miss them but not the drinking/smoking that came with it.

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I had to temporarily stop hanging out with people I partied with (my cousins), going to places I partied (bars and drinking events), and stop engaging in things that triggered me (such as dancing at clubs)

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I know how hard it is to stop hanging out with toxic family members. I still love them. I miss them like crazy. But until they change I have to protect myself.

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Yes I know,but she still likes my post on fb

Yes Jeff, congratulations

If it's hard to see that-unfriend her for awhile.

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Letting go of my ex gf,who still likes what I post on FB..
Really bothers my serenity,fb,ig

I'm a ppl pleaser,rather be hurt,to hurt someone else..