Let's Get Raw!

What are some negative emotions you had about getting sober during your first 30 days?

How are those emotions different compared to now?

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Definitely uneasy about sharing in group settings. (AA). 9 mos later. It's really no big deal. I think the chemistry of my brain has changed somewhat because of being more open. Maybe or maybe not but it's been a long time since I've had that overwhelmed feeling. I was always very fearful and I still have those moments but at least I'm able to decipher what is rational and what is not.

Thought recovery was going to be boring and blahsee. Life on life's terms in recovery is challenging exciting rewarding & I can remember it

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My first 30 days was horrible. Was just very hostile towards everyone. But 2.5 years later things are still rough but better than when I started. When I started I had nothing now I got a tv a PlayStation 3 new clothes and new shoes good friends and living in a sober house a have a good job even tho the job sucks every now and again.


Hey, William.

Thanks for sharing.

I'm glad that you are getting more comfortable with public speaking. I am trying to improve that skill, too.

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Those are major points. Thank you for sharing. What has been most rewarding about sobriety for you?

A lot of great things have happened to you in the last couple years. Awesome.

Being able to look in a mirror and feel nauseous & want to kill that guy. U?

I wouldn't last. I didn't deserve to be sober. I'm glad to know 5 years later both are lies.

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I'm in agreement.

Thank you.

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You are welcome.