Leaving work

Hardest part is getting off work and not stopping at the liquor store. This was a comforting part of my routine but isnt anymore and its okay. Ill be okay.


Agree kandace. I have an hour commute home which makes it so hard. Liquor store stops and even worse cracking beers while driving just to try and escape the work day I guess. Didn’t feel like replaying the day over and over in my head on the ride home. I’m with you and glad your okay. I’m committed to stop as well. One day at a time


I think it's pretty amazing that you didn't stop by the liquor store and you have the confidence to know you'll be OK.


I so agree! That’s always my internal struggle as the workday is coming to a close. It is soooo tempting!


You are strong and I know that feeling especially when I lived alone I didn't have anyone to see and that will be again soon. One day at a time :pray:. Be proud of yourself!


You guys are awesome! Thank you for the support!

You can do it. If you have to make a stop so you have some normality I recommend hitting starbucks.

You hit the nail on the head by calling it a routine. That’s exactly what it is. And the good part about that is that routines can be changed. Yes, you will be ok. Great job :two_hearts:


I feel you on this one.


I so relate I get off work hit the liquor store then go home and numb myself, it truly is one day at a time

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Lots of will power and self discipline. Thank you for sharing