Leaving work and I feel the itch

Leaving work and I feel the itch. It is like this everyday, but this time I will resist.
I don't even want to be drunk, but I'm afraid that my mind will somehow lead me there.

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Any meetings around tonight? Do you have a sponsor as well?

I don't have a sponsor, I'll need to check when I get home about a meeting, I haven't been to one in over a year, but I know where to look them up.

Keep resisting. It'll get easier.

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That makes a lot of sense, I will try using this tactic in the future

Hi Bill! Hope you beat the devil tonight!!!!!!

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Thanks, I managed, gunna go to sleep and keep at it tomorrow.

You got it bro. Don’t scratch it. It’ll pass

Call someone and ask about THEM until the urge passes or you get in a meeting. It'll help you get you out of your head :blush: