Leaving rehab today

Leaving rehab today. Nerves just hit me. Feeling less confident then I did yesterday. Need to keep this right tho


Congratulations :clap:!!!

Cravings and thoughts are starting to formulate just being at the airport alone. Gotta somehow use what I learned

You got this! Lots of support here just keep talking it out. And like you said using what you learned. Congrats on completing the treatment!!

Remember all the tools you learned in treatment.

If you get really itchy at the airport you can talk to any airport employee and they'll page the whole airport asking for a friend of Bill W to come talk to you. The recovery community is huge and we all want each other to succeed. Just don't isolate and work your program and things are really looking up for you. Don't over-complicate it

Hey Daniel! It was really scary for me to leave rehab and go back into the “real world “but as corny as it sounds or is much of a cliché as it may be, it helped for me to take it one day at a time and be patient with myself as I got used to having my freedom again. Try your best to stay connected to other sober people whether it’s in this app, on social media, or via recovery meetings. I’m rooting for you!