Learing to give up control and surrender to my Higher

Learning to give up control and surrender to my Higher Power is the biggest challenge for me now. Been sober from alcohol for 5 months. It's a roller-coaster ride, but life is much better now!


How’d you deal with the lows?

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I struggle with it

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I pray and also have some really great recovery friends that I call and get support from. When I isolate, it's not a good place for me to be. I don't always do everything the perfect or right way, but I'm learning. Progress, not perfection bro.



The serenity prayer has worked wonders for me concerning surrendering control over to God. Throughout time the prayer has taken on different meaning during my recovery but has always help me put and keep things in perspective.


I wake up everyday ask god to help me stay sober and I ask him to show me his will for me and give me the power to carry it out and also to show me how I can be of service to my fellows...and he delivers daily but I have to be paying attention...it’s mind blowing the way I feel now compared to active addiction!