Laughter is the best medicine

To keep my mind occupied away from alcohol and to make myself laugh, I've started a new ventriloquist act. My 'dummy' is my dummy drunk self and it's been fun and educational talking to him as my new sober self. We've learned alot from each otheršŸ˜Š

How are others finding new and helpful ways to stay busy and help with their recovery?


I really love this dummy project. Thank you for sharing. I havenā€™t done anything nearly as creative - but, like you, I find myself separating my ā€œdrunk selfā€ from my ā€œsober selfā€ in order to find clarity (I do so when Iā€™m journaling).

Jay this is incredible... love this hobby... might have to try it out!

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Wow. That's definitely outside of the box. Nice!

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I do something similar, only the dummy is in my mirror.



Steven, glad to hear that u do.somethinf similar to humor yourself about your sober journey... however, please I hate to hear u put yourself down, by saying the only dummy is you looking in the mirror. :cry: we ALL make mistakes-- bc we're all human. But you sir, are NO dummy-- anyway u look at it. And if there's one thing I've learned on this road to recovery... it really helps to change the negative words we tell ourselves... instead of "ugh, I'm such a failure... I couldn't do anything right if I TRIED!" Try to change the syntax to words that r more.kind and gentle to yourself. Believe it or not-- there have been TONS of studies lately, that show when we ridicule ourselves... even jokingly, it messes with our self esteem. Kinda like the self-fulfilling prophecy: I you keep calling yourself a dummy or stupid... then you get in the habit of saying that about yourself. You play that negative tape enough... you'll come to BELIEVE you're an idiot... incapable of making wise or smart decisions, bc uve labeled yourself a "dummy". Smile. You're amazing! And smart!. Maybe not Einstein smart... but that doesn't make you dumb. *sober hugs

Than you for your concern, for me sarcasm is my first language. I talk to myself in this manner to kick myself into gear.

That is so awesome!!! I am needing to think :thinking: of a mid day refresher to keep me going daily. Will let you know what I come up with! :roll_eyes::pray:

Wow, this is great and super-creative. Well done! I imagine thereā€™s a lot of healing and introspection when sober self connects with the dummy drunk self. Appreciate you sharing!

Now the million dollar question is: how good are your actual ventriloquist skills? :slight_smile:

Because of Covid safety reasons, I wear a mask since obviously my dummy drunk self can't be 6 feet awayšŸ˜‰. But my masked ventriloquist skills are definitely improving just like my recovery, one day at a time.


I love it! Vey funny and most of all I love your humility! Thatā€™s a huge lesson to have in your arsenalā€¦ā€¦ very fun and imaginative Jay! Stay strong buddy


Brilliant :clap:.

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Do not know how to chat...this is new to me