Last drink was last night.. i’m getting Off the elevator

Last drink was last night.. i’m getting off the elevator that only goes down and starting to dig my way out! Need friends so add me please:) 


That’s awesome to hear!!!

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I used to live in golden co

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My brother still lives there. I live in Orlando now

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That elevator sucks. Try to stay off it. Best of luck and keep on counting

Lizzy ,
Keep going forward . Get help and treatment if you can.

That is so wonderful your last drink was last night. I can almost remember my last drink. It was a tequila sunrise. I thought about that and the sun really did rise. That was almost 30 years ago for me. June 16th 1991. Seems like yesterday. I did a lot of living and learned a whole lot about staying sober. There are people out there that will help you anytime you need it. Me included anytime. You keep it up one minute one second one hour one day at a time. It's a lot easier than you think. But it's also really hard sometimes. But if I can do it anybody can.