Kinda nervous, not sure what tomorrow will bring but tonight

Kinda nervous, not sure what tomorrow will bring but tonight I’m going to attempt to grill food and not have a drink. Grilling and beer go hand in hand for me. It’s gonna be tough

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You got this!

Try to have a non alcoholic beverage in your hand. The times I did go without drinking and being out Id always find that just having something in my hand helped curb the desire to grab a beer.

Thanks guys, I just passed the first step, going into the store and not coming out with any alcohol.

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It's funny how we associate so much with drinking. Especially when we first get sober. I try to always associate any activity with sobriety now. Even stuff as mundane as cutting the grass or doing some project. It gets easier. Best wishes!

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A lot of my association is in my head, once I do whatever I feared it was easy. You got this brother!

All good advice! Knowing a trigger is a big one. It gets easier my friend. I got a trigger coming up that I’m aware of and I’m preparing for it. It’s when a family member comes to town. There will be get togethers and there will be drinking. I just know I got to drive myself to them so I can leave at any time. Good luck David

David. I’m only a few days in. And same!

You can do it! 24 hrs at a time!