Keep slipping, making me crazy

Keep slipping, making me crazy.

That’s one reason to work harder on not slipping! Figure out your triggers, write them down and learn them well. Write down all loss and damage from slipping ever, read it, it helps. Endlessly

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feeling bad/ guilty is no way to live, you can do it!

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I'm sorry Pete.

Have you thought about getting treatment and/or obtaining a sponsor?

Thanks, I'm just letting myself get away with it. I'll kill the triggers.

Every slip is a lesson. Use them to build a plan of what works.

Of course its driving you crazy, it’s so frustrating to know we can live a better life, but continually do things to keep us in the same place without being sure why. I heard an acronym called SLIP - sobriety losing its priority. Do you feel like your slips are due to you putting something else in life ahead of your sobriety?