Just wondering who gets sick through detox. I’ve done it

Just wondering who gets sick through detox. I’ve done it a few times throughout the years and just had some night sweats a few nights. But I also never drank during the day or all day.

Sweats and feeling bad are normal. Please detox under the care of a physician. Detoxing can be harmful.

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Well aware it’s harmful. And under the care of my doctor. Simply asking if people that only drink at night and don’t shake or feel bad during the day will have as severe withdrawal from it. As those who drink all day

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I get crazy sick... not hungover anymore since I’m far past that point. I get the crazy hand shakes, swelling in face, my skin looks horrible and transparent, my heart feels like it’s going to explode, can’t sleep and then there’s anxiety. Damn that anxiety.
Drinking water, taking vitamins, eating healthy (this is a hard one), and keep your mind busy with reading, copying dank memes, sucked into a series. That’s how I handle it.

I had, even though did not have the shakes. In my case I felt like crap the entire day, then sweated the alcohol out and it would take me 2 days to start getting back to normal.

This depends on your style of drinking, the volume and your metabolism, if you drink for long periods, years say, then it can kill you to stop suddenly. Heart failure.

I just keeps getting worse,the more you drink the harder and longer your detox will last

I do not get sick. I only drink after five...do not drink every night...but when i do...during covid...seems to have expanded to one or two bottles of wine. If i have a hangover...I don’t drink again for 3/5 days...that may be why...but then...always within 10 days...i desire wine...cycle has been repeating...that is what i am working on! Breaking cycle! Need to be free!

I ditto Amanda's response to you.

Sounds like classic binge drinking to me, you don't have to drink all day and night to be considered an alcoholic. I started my alcoholism by binge/party drinking a couple nights a week and it eventually evolved into a daily maintenance drinking. I always advise medical detox even if it was just one night of hard drinking because everyone reacts to substances differently. I used to get night sweats all the time from my binge drinking and didn't realize it was withdrawal(just thought it was hangover) and I totally agree with lots of water and vitamins, especially vitamin d supplements because your body loses that through drinking

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My thoughts and prayers go out to you, you can get through this

I did


I hate everything thing about it so glad that’s over for me. Hoping the best for you. People make it so it can be done im 1992 days in.

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