Just was discharged from hospital today for alcohol detox and

Just was discharged from hospital today for alcohol detox and struggling even though I’m on a serax taper. Rough tonight :frowning:


Hang in there

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Were here for support if you need us..

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Thanks the anxiety feels overwhelming I just don’t know what to do. Cleaning helped a bit trying to breath and relax I hope it’s better tomorrow so I can make a meeting

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How long was your detox? Are you on day 4 or so yet?

I’m just on day two I wanted a rehab or detox bed but they were all full. I’m on a wait list and continued serax taper

The most important thing is to get active with others that have long term sobriety. This is the beginning of your new life. Going it alone is a sure fire way to pick up again. This place is a great social network for sober people but it is by no means a solution.

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Thanks Dave that truly helps. I really want to get to a live meeting tomorrow but how did people deal with the anxiety and panic attacks?

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Hi Jessica. What you are experiencing is part of the narrative. Let's break it down. You have decided to break off your toxic love affair with alcohol. This relationship was love/hate it effected you physical, mentally and emotionally. It has been your numbing agent, we use it to reward ourselves, relax and escape. With out them we are vulnerable to strong emotions and stress the unknown. This can be scary and causes the anxiety if we don't tend to the anxiety it evolves into panic. I would suggest to try and get present in the moment. As challenging as this may be, bare witness to these feelings. Then be kind to that voice in your head. Tell that voice, relax, breathe, it is ok.this will come to pass. Then repeat until you start to become comfortable with these feelings. This will come to pass, we are going to be ok. Jessica, you are not alone. We will be ok. I hope this helps. :v:


So well written and so accurate!

Thanks Jason I really appreciate your kindness this helps. I think the anxiety came before the drinking and the drinking just numbed the feeling so yeah...I guess it’s time to deal with it but it sucks! I kind of want to go outside and yell how much it sucks especially because this was caused by others. Either way tired of being a victim and ready to take control :slight_smile:


Hi Tom, how are you today? Hope all is well.

Oh, and Jessica smile. You have made the best decision of your life. Here's some flowers :bouquet: pretty huh, they smell good too. Feel better soon. :sunglasses:

What is stopping you? Go outside and cut loose.

If any one ask, tell them you're working on something (recovery) and to mind thier business...hehe

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Hang in there. It does get better after a few more days.

Hi Jessica. Listening to music really helped me in the early days, it still does. Also listening to speakers on YouTube , or even just going on a meeting on zoom and listening to people. Eventually I would hear something that clicks with me. The biggest comfort for me was to know I wasn’t alone. We get through things together.

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You’ve got this! We’re all pulling for you!

If you really have the desire and really honest to yourself trust me you will make it
I am a chronic alcoholic so all I can tell you is ;it is part of the process every single minute count on so don’t think for a second about to go back yes remember where are you coming from? I am here if you need to talk at anytime please don’t hesitate to text me

Just take it one day at a time..