Just wanting to get my life out of the bottle...Sober

Just wanting to get my life out of the bottle...Sober for only a day.


Same here. 32 days sober.

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I’m only at 1 day. I keep going back and forth. When I’m doing well say 6 months...I always convince myself I have it under control and then lose complete control.

We will never have it under control that was my problem I finally had to accept the fact that I can not drink once you except that and see a counselor and go to meetings like celebrate Recovery you will have a better mind set an honestly ask God for help too


It’s a hard realization to becoming completely Sober. I stopped smoking weed 2 months ago, but my drinking got worse after quitting smoking.

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I know it is but from my ups and downs and troubles you don’t need the bottle

I had a really bad experience last night...so that will be my awakening.

One is too many for me...always turns into 10.

Ryan you can do it brother you just gotta stay strong and tell yourself its not worth all the trouble it could bring...one day at a time is really key!

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Congratulations young man on the one day and this is how this program works one day at a time I believe in you and support you

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Congratulations on day 1. Don't worry how many day ones there has been. Celebrate every one of them.

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As Adam Sandler's friend would say " You can do it!"

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The best way is one day at a time😊

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I'm right there with ya brother. Day 9 for me. Finally going all in. Going to zoom meetings got a sponsor and working the steps. Will be chairing a zoomer in the beautiful Columbia Gorge on monday...speaker meeting if interested.

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