Just want to say thank you everyone!

Just want to say thank you everyone! Thank you for knowing that I am not alone in this chaotic road. Some days are easy and some days are hard. But knowing I didn't pick up or use today is really a blessing. To know that we all support each other really keeps me going stronger! 216 days clean! Sober life is great when you set a goals for yourself and it's being accomplished on an everyday basis. First thing first everyone #selfcare is key!
If anyone needs a person to talk to you can always write me.


Hi Shak. Congrats on Day 216. That's no small feat.

You speak about goals. What is 1 goal and its objective(s) you've accomplished in your first 30 days sober?

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One main goal was to show up to my meetings every single day! Not only show up,but participate in the open shares. We are or should be a judgment free zone. So when you can speak your mind with no criticism it helps a huge amount.


Thanks for sharing this. We gotta make the best of every opportunity.

Glad you are here man. 216 I a good run so far. I am glad you find those of us here useful. We can only make it with each other.

Recovery is much more than not drinking or using. And because you have grasped this puts you ahead of the wishy washy crowd. You are on your Way to a new and wonderful way of living. We do recover! Bsj




Congratulations on your clean time Shak!! Do you Zoom in the New York City area?

I prefer in person meetings

Congratulations. Sharing your successes helps drive others in the same direction!