Just want to know, how do you get a sponsor

Just want to know, how do you get a sponsor on zoom meetings?


There is a menu button and when you click it click on raise virtual hand and they will call on you to share and if you don't want to share just make it known that you're new and in need of a sponsor. Also my home group and others will ask in the beginning if there are any AA related announcements? You can then either raise your hand or if it's a small enough meeting unmute yourself. That's awesome you're reaching out good luck on finding a sponsor!!


You can ask in the chat


Hi, Michelle!

Have you found a Zoom meeting?

It's a good idea to ask your first potential sponsor if they will be your "Temporary Sponsor" while you get started in the program, that way if it's not a good fit, you don't have to feel bad finding someone that is right for you....just my two cents

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Ask the host of the meeting or request to add number in chat. That’s how I got mine !

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Yea, that was a hurdle for mee too. I just kept going to meetings and eventually natural gravity pulled my sponsor and me together. It's not like asking someone out on a prom date or to get married or anything like that. Its someone who's gonna show you the ropes.

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the easy way, hard way whatever you want to call it. Find someone you i.d. with ( men with men, woman with women,) listen to what they say, how they act. If thats how you want to be ASK THEM. Yes its hard but its harder doing program without sponsor. You might get turned down for a number of reasons. ok. Ask them who they would recommend. We are here to Help each other and lift each other up. this is positive living.

When you go to a meeting ,if you want to work the steps, a spiritual adviser is what your looking for, listening to what people share, if you hear ,you like what they say, ask them to sponcer you...