Just trying to get sober now- biggest issue is Boredom

Just trying to get sober now- biggest issue is Boredom and I’m in a relationship I hate- but can’t get out for awhile.


You’re in the right place to get help with your drinking. Maybe your relationship as well. I don’t think it’s the boredom it’s making you drink. I think it’s because of your relationship that you want to get out of. But you say you can’t get out of it for a while. Why is that? If you don’t mind me asking. You don’t need to say if you don’t want to. But when I first got into recovery I learned that I would have to change people places and things. And I did that and I’m still sober today. Doesn’t matter what comes my way I know not to pick up. If I feel that I wanna pick up I let people know and they’re willing to help me. That is what we do for one another is help each other.

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It was hard at first, feeling like I had to force myself on people that I didn't know. But I couldn't stop what I was doing and desperately needed to. Once I started to get to know people at the meetings oh, it's got a lot easier

Mary, I have several triggers… and boredom is on the top 3. I try to stay busy but at the same time that’ll burn me out. Loneliness is the next trigger, work stress the next, my difficulty forgiving myself … the list goes on. For you I think it’s maybe the relationship then the boredom. If you get bored or need someone who understands… please add me or reach out.

SLAA, Al-Anon, & other codependency resources may help — you can leave whenever & I promise life will improve. Better now than later with more resentment

I'm in the same position can't afford to live on my own so I feel stuck on disability and boredom is number 1 trigger. I'm here if u need to talk.