Just told my mom

Just told my mom im staying home this year for Thanksgiving and i asked her to respect my decision and she went off on me. She makes me wanna fucking kill myself. I am so angry and heartbroken and really feel like im gonna snap if i open my mouth.. I'm locked in my room rn crying, trying to not lose my mind. No one should be made to feel bad for their decisions to keep themselves healthy.. fuck that bitch.

No. People should not have to feel that way!

This is something I know about all too well. Have to belive in one's self. But its hard when this is how you grew up

And i dont feel guilty or wrong for my choice. But i am so angry that my own mother doesnt respect or understand me. That instead of being supportive and realize that it's a really hard decision for me to make, she is critical and tells me everyone thinks I hate them and dont wanna spend time with them which is so fucking manipulative and evil.. I just can't believe it.. I wish i had anywhere else to go.. I wish i had a car and could just leave and never come back.

If u feel like u want to blow just think that I’ve been walk on people close to me how long now

I tend to explode inward and self harm instead of being outwardly expressive.. usually I imagine myself raging out, throwing and breaking shit, saying everything I feel, and i binge eat (i am actaully so upset that i cant even eat) and i used marijuana and alcohol but i am sober almost 4 months, and not gonna let someone ruin my progress. I desperately need my own place though. My mom is not good for my sobriety.

All you can control is your reaction to others actions. If get angry or afraid your allowing them to control your actions. Try thinkig alternative thoughts. You and only you control your thoughts.

Very true, although easier said than done. Sadly she is such a trigger for my depression and anxiety. I need to get away from her.