Just signed up. Don’t think my marriage will withstand another

Just signed up. Don’t think my marriage will withstand another drunk fight. This has to be the first day or never again


Today's the perfect day to be Day 1. Your marriage is more important than the next drink.

Thank you!

We will be given the dame mistakes over and over until we get them right.

The key is to focus on yourself and your goal of sobriety. Don’t put it in your head that it’s to save your marriage. It will all fall into play as long as you take it One day at a time.


I know where you’re at...just had my last blow up fight last weekend. We can do this and finally be done with those dumb fights. Drinking isn’t worth it anymore

Thank you AR. I am strong but my demons strong too... I am only on day 3. I’m afraid of f—-g up again one day and caving. I haven’t gone a week in probably 10 years. Thank you for chatting with me. That’s why I’m here

It just can’t be worth it. So mad at myself. Thanks for relating to me. It helps.

I hadn’t thought of it that way. Thank you. I have to think about it some more but you must be right. It has to come from and be about me to stick. Hmmm. Very wise thought